Connect Calendar 2024
Images included in the calendar are competition entries by older and younger residents of Co Cavan to creatively depict the 5 ways to well-being
Where Past and Present Converge - Bailieborough Creative Hub
'Where Past and Present Converge brings to life Bailieboroughs’ unique history and environment through a stunning mural.

Ages and Stages
An original drama written and performed by Cavan Older Peoples Council.

Grief of the Seventh Child - Sarah McKenna Dunne
This documentary focuses on who healers are in modern Ireland and whether cures are being passed on to future generations

Making Music Maintaining Wellbeing
Making Music Maintaining Wellbeing programme included singing for health and samba drumming workshops.

Musical Workshops - Tullyvin Musical Society
Musical workshops for young people.

Handed Down by NYAH Comhaltas
NYAH Comhaltas Cavan Three Mentoring Session to all ages, all cultures, and to all traditions.

Conservation project at Rath Church
Killeshandra Tidy Towns community conservation project at Rath Church. Led by skilled craft people this architectural conservation also included educational interaction, practical demonstrations and public engagement.

Art Workshops - Loch Gowna
Loch Gowna Tidy Towns has received a fantastic response to the environmentally friendly art workshops and mural.

The Half Coat @ Cavan County Museum
The production of Tara Maria Lovett’s ‘The Half Coat’ at Cavan County Museum was a highly successful event, with a fantastic audience turnout and with very positive comments and reviews.
A Feast of Cavan Folk – The Cottage Market
The drama performance delved into the intricacies of our food systems and its role in climate change.

Faith, Hard Work and Endurance – Jonathan Smyth
Jonathan Smyth selects tales from people who left Cavan and made good, and only occasionally made bad.

My Cure and Me – Alan Bradley
Capturing a vanishing Ireland - 'My Cure and Me' is a heart-warming, nostalgic documentary exploring the experience of faith healers, examining a practice steeped in faith and rich in history and folklore.

'Orwin and Sebana' - Kim Gaffney Art
There is a legend connected with the beautiful lake of Lough Sheelin, about the love of 'Orwin and Sebana'. This story has been brought back to life through this wonderful book of poetry and painting, by the artist Kim Gaffney.

'No more time' – The Hacklers Drama Group
The Hacklers delivered a dramatic presentation of poems by Greg Delanty.